Security Now 657: ProtonMail
This week we discuss “DrupalGeddon2”, Cloudflare’s new DNS offering, a reminder about GRC’s DNS Benchmark, Microsoft’s Meltdown meltdown, the persistent […]
This week we discuss “DrupalGeddon2”, Cloudflare’s new DNS offering, a reminder about GRC’s DNS Benchmark, Microsoft’s Meltdown meltdown, the persistent […]
Best April Fools Tech Jokes. Cloudflare’s DNS service. Apple’s Education Event. US wants visa applicants’ social media accounts. Tim
More revelations in the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica scandal. Congress sneaks the CLOUD Act into the omnibus spending bill. Craigslist
Controversial RyzenFall AMD flaws revealed. Leo gives up Facebook for good over Cambridge Analytica scandal. Broadcom gives up its Qualcomm
SXSW features killer robots and killer barbeque. Alexa’s spontaneous laugh makes us afraid of an AI takeover. Amazon wants to
Surprise: young people use social more than the oldsters. Some of them even use Vero. Samsung Galaxy S9 takes top
Samsung announces 2 new phones as Mobile World Congress kicks off in Barcelona. iCloud keys are stored in China. All
News publishers violated copyright by embedding a tweet. Are video games to blame for the Florida school shooting? A drone
HomePod should have been delayed longer. Elon Musk’s rollercoaster week: Falcon Heavy sends a Tesla to Mars just as Tesla
Tech ads in the Superbowl. Elon Musk’s “Not-a-Flamethrower.” Apple, Google, and Amazon quarterly results. What are Amazon’s health plans? What