Critical Windows USB exploit allows flash drives to grant root access, patch issued
Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday yielded an interesting security fix for a glaring vulnerability in how the Windows kernel handles USB device […]
The outage that left and Hotmail users without access to their emails for almost 16 hours this week was
There’s no doubt that cord cutting is on the rise as services like Netflix and Hulu continue to cut into
A few weeks ago we learned that Intel’s upcoming Haswell platform was plagued with an annoying USB 3.0 bug. The
FOMO, idea bath, saving daylight, Marissa’s data, browser ballot, and more.
As PC sales stall, Samsung exec has harsh words for Windows 8 With Windows 8 doing little to spark laptop
Trend Micro has been very vocal about the state of Android malware in the past, claiming that there will be
Just one month ago, the Chromebook Pixel was little more than a poorly sourced rumor. (And personally, while I didn’t
Seagate is moving ahead with its plan to offer high-speed, high-capacity hybrid drives as an alternative to more expensive pure
On Thursday, we reported that security firms had found zero day exploits in three web browsers as part of the