If you’re currently running Windows 10 build 10130, you might want to check for updates, as new patches have been pushed to the OS.
Don’t get too excited, as this isn’t a feature update. Rather Microsoft released a number of bug fixes as well as three security patches for its latest operating system. Gabe Aul took to Twitter last night to spread the news.
3 security updates for PC build 10130 today, as well as a fix for a few top issues reported in the build. Check WU for updates!
— Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) June 11, 2015
Windows 10 build 10130 was released almost two weeks ago to the Fast ring, and, since then it has received numerous patches, designed to improve users’ experiences and fix some of the most common issues.
Gabe Aul mentioned that the team was working on getting this build out to the Slow ring as well, a ring whose users have been left out of the update cycles in recent months. However, some important bugs have kept the team from doing that, even as they released the ISOs publicly ahead of time, a first for the company.
Hopefully, with this round of patches done, we’ll see a Slow release very soon, as well as new builds for the Fast insiders, new builds that Gabe touted as being even better than this one.
via Latest Windows 10 preview gets another round of patches, moves closer to the Slow ring.