Sony vows to sue Twitter if tweets containing hacked e-mails aren’t removed

If nothing else, Sony Pictures is determined to mitigate the damage stemming from the attack on its computer systems last month. After reportedly launching a DDoS attack to slow the spread of stolen data shared on certain websites, we’re now hearing that Sony is going direct after Twitter.

Motherboard recently obtained an e-mail that suggests Sony lawyers will bring legal action against the microblogging platform if they fail to shut down accounts that are sharing stolen information.

The e-mail in question reportedly came from Sony lawyer David Boies and was sent to Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s general counsel. Sony specifically asked Twitter to share the e-mail with Val Broeksmit, a musician that has been posting screenshots of hacked Sony e-mails to his Twitter account @bikinirobotarmy.

Twitter complied, forwarding the message to Broeksmit, adding that they can’t provide legal advice and that he may want to contact his own personal attorney regarding the matter. Broeksmit then forwarded the message to Motherboard.

Twitter has confirmed the authenticity of the e-mail exchange but declined to say whether or not they would be removing Broeksmit’s tweets, highlighting the fact that they are still live as of now.

Broeksmit told Motherboard that he’s not with a newspaper and thinks he can get away with it. He said it’s important because it’s so new and different from anything we’ve seen before. This is a billion dollar company being made bare to the public and it’s fascinating to learn how these companies work.

via Sony vows to sue Twitter if tweets containing hacked e-mails aren’t removed – TechSpot.

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