Cloud services, especially cloud storage is a common thing these days but some people are still weary of storing their sensitive files in the netherworld. And whenever they argue against cloud storage solutions they point to events like the one Dropbox just went through, where some users’ data was permanently deleted by a bug.
The company has confirmed that a bug in an older version of its desktop apps could lead to files being deleted permanently, without the user’s knowledge or consent. The problem is related to Selective Sync, which allows users to only synchronize some important folders across machines.
Now the good news is that Dropbox says they’ve fixed the bugs in newer versions of their apps and they’re also restoring some of the lost data where that’s possible. And to give credit where it’s due, the company did acknowledge this problem quickly and is trying to help and reimburse the users that were affected.
via Dropbox bug deletes some users’ files permanently – Neowin.