Leaked ‘Windows 9’ screenshots reveal more detail about reborn Start Menu

It’s no secret that an upcoming Windows update codenamed ‘Threshold’ will herald the return of the Start menu and allow Metro apps to operate in windowed mode. Heck, the image above came straight from Microsoft itself. But whenever fresh screenshots of the interface show up it’s always worth taking a look.

Myce.com recently nabbed two screenshots from a purported recent build of Threshold, which is expected to be called Windows 9 when it debuts in 2015. Right now, however, these internal builds are labeled Windows 8.1 Pro—a fact that Neowin noted earlier in July when it also nabbed a screenshot of the Start menu.

A purported leaked screenshot of Threshold from Myce.com.

The Myce and Neowin shots are very similar and aren’t all that different from what we saw in April, when Microsoft officially announced the Start menu was coming back. On the left-hand side of the new Start menu you’ll have a list of recently used apps as well as an option to view a list of “All apps.” (The terminology seems to be a catch-all for both desktop programs and Metro apps.)

Presumably, as with the original versions of the Start menu, you’ll be able to pin apps to this list.

To the right of the apps list is an area with pinned metro apps for easy access and at-a-glance live tiles for apps like weather, mail, news, and calendar. The new Start menu seems to be customizable, with it tile sizes appearing adjustable, just as they are now on the Start screen.

Full Story: Leaked ‘Windows 9’ screenshots reveal more detail about reborn Start Menu | PCWorld.

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