DailyTech – Apple Reveals OS X “Yosemite”, Gives it a Fresh Coat of Paint

Apple’s PC operating system gets an iOS 7-style makeover

OS X is Apple’s premiere desktop operating system, and it’s getting a big update with OS X 10.10 “Yosemite”. The “flat” user interface that was first introduced with iOS 7 has been deftly transferred to OS X. So for people that weren’t too keen on Apple’s design direction with iOS 7 likely won’t be too impressed with the vibrant colors, flat icons, and translucency of Yosemite.

DailyTech - Apple Reveals OS X

A lot of this translucency and use of bold colors has been seen on past and present desktop operating systems from Microsoft. However, for those that don’t want all the colorful bits in Yosemite, Apple is also providing a “Dark Mode” which gives user a more familiar, traditional OS X look.

DailyTech - Apple Reveals OS X

The Notification Center in Yosemite has added a “Today View” which is similar in concept to what’s available on iOS 7. Users can download widgets from the App Store to further customize the Today View in OS X.

iCloud Drive is an extension of the existing iCloud service, and allows you to have functionality similar to Drop Box or Google Drive. This means that you can easily share and access documents from within Finder across Macs (and even iOS devices). Apple will also provide an iCloud Drive app for Windows users, which is a pleasant surprise.

Full Story DailyTech – Apple Reveals OS X “Yosemite”, Gives it a Fresh Coat of Paint.

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