Apple has largely remained unaffected by the Heartbleed bug. Earlier, the Cupertino-based company claimed that iOS, OSX, and other “key” web services were never vulnerable, but now it looks like some of its products aren’t completely immune. Yesterday they released patches for the AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule Wi-Fi routers to fix a Heartbleed-related vulnerability.
“Firmware update 7.7.3 is recommended for all AirPort Extreme and AirPort Time Capsule base stations with 802.11ac. It provides security improvements related to SSL/TLS”, reads the release note posted to Apple’s support page.
The vulnerability surfaces when you are either using Back to My Mac remote access or sending diagnostics. Although the flaw doesn’t let cyber criminals access your credentials, they could launch man-in-middle attacks to access login pages on not only the router but on your computer as well.
If you are using an older version of AirPort there’s nothing to worry about, but for those who are using the latest networking devices from Apple, it is highly recommended that they patch them up as soon as possible.
The Heartbleed bug reportedly affected almost two-thirds of the internet, including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and more. Canada’s tax agency and UK parenting site Mumsnet were the first confirmed victims of the bug.
via Apple releases Heartbleed patch for AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule Wi-Fi routers – TechSpot.