Sony’s “surprise” PlayStation 4 announcement earlier this week reportedly caught Microsoft off guard at first, according to one Sony senior official that asked not to be named. The person in question said they definitely ruffled some feathers which seems likely considering most expected the two companies to announce their next generation consoles at E3 later this year.
As such, we are now hearing that Microsoft is planning to host a press event some two months earlier to compensate for Sony’s unveiling. That event could take place as soon as early April. Further evidence supporting Microsoft’s decision to host a one-off event is the fact that Ustechs, a company that has worked with Microsoft in the past on other media briefings, recently registered the domain
Unsurprisingly, Microsoft is keeping quiet about their next generation console as they have for the past few years.
In the event that you somehow missed it, Sony unveiled the PlayStation 4 at a press conference in New York City on Wednesday. The company highlighted several key features of the console and even showcased some upcoming games but interestingly enough, the console itself was nowhere to be found.
The system made an appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Thursday night for a live demo but once again, the actual hardware was never shown. The segment started out with Fallon showcasing the new DualShock 4 controller before jumping into a game of Killzone: Shadow Fall. Astute viewers may have noticed that the controller used to play the game was wired and ran behind the large display to an unknown device.
via Microsoft expected to reveal Xbox 720 in April following PS4 unveiling – TechSpot.