In a rare admission on Tuesday, Apple announced they too have fallen victim to a sophisticated malware that targeted Twitter and Facebook in recently weeks. Just like the attack on Facebook, Apple says some of their employees’ computers were infected when they visited a website for software developers.
Neither company has announced which site infected their systems with malware but according to the New York Times, a person familiar with the Facebook investigation said the site in question is iPhonedevsdk and it’s still infected. It goes without saying that you probably shouldn’t visit that site, by the way.
The statement from Apple said they identified a small number of systems within the company that were infected. Those systems have since been isolated from others on the network and there was no evidence that any data was stolen. Cupertino said they are working closely with law enforcement officials to discover the source of the malware.
Officials with Twitter said attackers may have briefly had access to data from roughly 250,000 user accounts. The company quickly reset passwords of accounts that may have been compromised and alerted users. Facebook said no user data was collected when their systems were hacked. We understand that both companies are working with officials to try and track down the person(s) behind the malware.
We are told that in all three instances, a widely-publicized security hole in Oracle’s Java software is to blame. The problem was so widespread that the Department of Homeland Security advised users to disable Java until a fix was deployed.
via Apple says they were hacked by the same group that hit Facebook – TechSpot.