Survey: 32 percent of IT workers want Windows inside their next tablet

Microsoft’s upcoming Surface Pro tablet, running on Windows 8 Pro, has now been reviewed a few days before its launch on Saturday. Many believe that the product will be used more by businesses since it will be able to run both Windows 8 “Modern” apps as well as programs from older versions of Windows, unlike the current Surface RT tablet.
This week, Forrester Research released the results of a new survey that shows IT works really want a Windows-based tablet over that of an iPad or Android-based tablet. ReadWriteWeb reports that the survey results, which came from polling 9,766 IT workers, show that 32 percent of them want their next tablet to be based on Windows, versus 26 percent who want an iPad and a tiny 12 percent who want an Android tablet.
Forrester’s report states:
For CIOs, there are three mandates that arise from this data: 1.) Apple and Android will be major suppliers to the enterprise. 2.) Microsoft has a fighting chance in tablets. 3.) The workplace of the future is multiplatform.
The news isn’t as good for Microsoft in terms of smartphones. The survey shows that 10 percent of those workers want a Windows Phone as their next smartphone, compared to 33 percent who want an iPhone and 22 percent who want an Android-based phone.
via Survey: 32 percent of IT workers want Windows inside their next tablet – Neowin.

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