Dogfooding Windows 8: six long-term Windows 8 users tell all

Dogfooding is a term that goes back a while, but here in the tech world, it basically means using what you make.
With all the talk about Windows 8 over the past few months, I was curious about how it was to really use in a real-world work environment. I wanted to find out how people who spent day-in and day-out accomplishing their daily work felt about Windows 8.
Fortunately, I had a ready-made stable of lab rats, in the collected columnists here at ZDNet. Many of our IT writers have been using Windows 8 as their daily driver for quite some time, and I wanted to know what they thought of the new, somewhat-maligned OS.
To that end, six of our gang decided to donate a small portion of their Thanksgiving weekend to answer my questions. They are:
Jason Perlow of TechBroiler
Michael Krigsman of IT Project Failures
Michael Lee
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols of Networking and Linux and Open Source
Andrian Kingsley-Hughes of Hardware 2.0
Andrew Brust of Big on Data
Over the next four pages, you’ll see eight questions and the answers from each of our bloggers. But I wanted to see if there were any patterns, so I collated the answers and turned the result into the following chart. If you look at it carefully, there are a few fascinating conclusions:
Full Story: Dogfooding Windows 8: six long-term Windows 8 users tell all | ZDNet.

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